Pole Levels & Class Info
At Polesque we’ve designed a number of classes for people at all levels. If you want to go far, we’ll get you there. Pick and choose the classes that you like, and when it best fits your schedule. Book your spot now!
Your introduction to pole starts here, with foundation movements on both static and spin (yep, the poles can spin!). You will learn spins and tricks that are great fun by themselves and are also stepping-stones to moving up the pole. We will also fill you in on all the tips a pole dancer needs to enjoy this creative sport your way! Moves in this level include Fireman spin, Front and Back Hook Spin, Climbs and The Carousel.
Level 1
You’ve learnt to spin and climb, now to learn the third key to pole dancing – the invert! We will add on to some of the spins from your beginner term as well as learning how to safely turn the world upside down. It’s in this level where you will start to feel how strength and skills learnt in some tricks will help you build up to mastering other moves. This levels tricks include the Juliet spin, Cupcake spin, Wrist Sits, and of course inverts.
Level 2
With the invert under your belt, a whole new world of moves and shapes is waiting for you! You will start to explore different grips to unlock new tricks, and we will take some of your previously learnt moves up the pole. You will learn combinations of moves as we string tricks together in an unlimited variety of ways. Moves in level two include Leg Hangs, Ice-skater spin, Butterfly, and Apprentice.
Level 3
Level 3 is where you will meet some big fun tricks, with leg hangs from level 2 unlocking many variations and entries into new moves. With the list of your favourite moves growing, the combos we learn can get bigger too which will build up your strength and stamina. Flexibility becomes a very helpful skill in this level, and you will learn tricks like the Shoulder Mount, Superman, Static V, and Straight Edge.
Level 4
You will meet some crowd pleasers in level 4 while you bring together skills you have learnt in the past four levels. If you didn’t already feel like a superstar because of what you’ve accomplished so far, wait until you can break out a Brass Monkey, Handspring, or Hang Glider! Sprinkle in some new transitions, and you will have yourself some very impressive pole combos. This level is barefoot and heels friendly.
Level 5+
There’s a whole range of exciting things to learn in our top level. The list of tricks and moves is always changing as the world of pole invents new things to try. If you’ve seen it on socials and haven’t learnt it yet, it’s probably going to pop up here. This level is barefoot and heels friendly.
Pole Dance
This class is designed around learning a dance routine every 4 weeks (so 2 routines a term), using the floor and bottom of the pole. You will learn new floorwork moves, transitions, and ways to seamlessly thread yourself around the pole to the music. This class is suitable for those in level 1 and higher. It is recommended you bring knee pads, leggings, and shorts, as it will depend on the routine. This class is designed to be done in barefoot, socks or ballet flats.
Prerequistie: Must have completed a term of Beginner Pole.
Stretch & Splits
If you want to nail that Jade or are aiming for your first Eagle, or you're just looking for some added mobility through your hips and legs, this is where you need to be. You’ll be taken through a full body warm up and stretch that will focus on splits – middles, lefts, and rights. We’ll use resistance bands, blocks, trigger point balls, foam rollers, the poles, the walls, and each other! This class is suitable for those aiming to touch their toes right through to students working on their over splits. Bring your own yoga mat and emotional support water bottle, and we recommend wearing socks and leggings.
Open Pole Class
This class is like a supervised Practice Hour, with an awesome instructor who will take you through a warmup, remind you of moves you have learnt in your level, and spot you in tricks you are still working on. Come prepared with moves or routines to revise, and there will be students of all levels in this class each working on their own moves. There will be lots of cheering as you reach your goals together!
Bubs & Me
We know so many of you have little ones, so here is where your cherubs can hang out while you get your dance time in. This class is suitable to those who have finished at least one term of Beginners, and it will be structured the same as an Open Class. As well as the instructor, we’ll also have a professional toddler distractor and baby cuddler on hand so that everyone has a good fun time. While there will be many eyes making sure the class is safe for all, please note that kids will be hanging out in the same room as spinning people, so an awareness of your surroundings is essential. Bring their capsule, bouncer, playmat, and toys (ideally not the ones with 47 sound effects). Those without bubs can attend this class too, however priority will be given to those with kids. This is a barefoot only class. Change facilites are available.
Heels Choreo
Do you want to know how to walk and spin and twirl in heels? Of course you do! This class is where you will learn to move in heels so that they add to the shapes and flow of your movement. Over the term you will work through the basics of walks and foot positions, as well as learning dance combos and pole spins to create a dance routine. You’ll go from baby giraffe to graceful gazelle in no time! A minimum of 4-inch heels are required for this class, please also bring knee pads. Open to students that are Level 1 and above.
Prerequisite: Must have completed a term of Beginner Pole
Practice Hour
If you would like to use the studio to practice what you’ve learnt in class, snap some photos of your achievements, or have a good roll and stretch, this is the time! A staff member will be in the building for safety reasons, but this is student only practice time so there won’t be any instruction or spotting, and it is very important that you strictly keep to what you have been taught in class. This time is open to any current students. If there are no Practice Hours that suit your timing, chat to the team as we may be able to add in a new time for you and others.
Pole Assessment
Have you got pole experience from another studio, or have you had a break from pole and are unsure what level you would be suited to? Book a pole assessment!! This is a one on one 30-minute private with an instructor to take you through the Polesque curriculum to see what level would best suit you.
This appointment is essential. If you return to a level that is too low, then you may get bored and if you return to a level that is too advanced you may feel frustrated and place yourself at risk of injury.
Bookings are essential, please contact the Polesque team directly to book.
* Barefoot means either nothing on your feet, socks, or canvas ballet shoes.
* Heels friendly classes means you are welcome to bring and wear your own heels, but you must be comfortable wearing and dancing in them without additional instruction. If you haven’t worn them before, please attend our Beginner Heels classes. Routines will be choreographed with bare feet in mind for all classes unless otherwise specified
Join Velvet Morning as she guides you through the art of the tease (Burlesque) mixed with Pole. This is a beautiful and confidence building class that you will not only have fun but giggle a little too. This class changes its routine every 4 weeks but is fine to come to as a drop in class for those days where you just might feel like escaping reality and having fun. This class can be done in barefoot, socks or heels, the choice is yours.
Prerequisite: Must have completed a term of Beginner Pole